Earlier in the week I decided to do the decent thing and head up north for the Far North VCC Auto Spectacular and Swapmeet (Weather permitting of course). Ive never been before and thought as we have advertised it it would be worth visiting and reporting back to our readers on my thoughts of the day.
Firstly a bit of background. I normally ride what is classed as a Super Motard. This motorcycle has an extremely limited fuel range ( about 125 Kms) and has a seat that looks great but has been specifically designed to have the seating comfort of a broken brick. So the limited fuel range is actually a boon as stopping every 100Kms is a welcome relief. Due to the distance involved to get to Taipa (about 500kms round trip for me) this was obviously the best choice of transport for the day.
Armed with a good weather forecast I set out at 6.00 am with a full tank. I got through Whangarei assuming there would be somewhere to gas up on the other side. Just north of Whangarei the fuel light comes on. There is a reserve switch on the bike but its a knob, on the other side of the tank and you need to burn your fingers on the exhaust to turn it on, no worries the light gives me about 20 Kms before resorting to those drastic measures. Good news, signposted on the right is Hikurangi, turn off, ride though town, end up back on State Highway 1, no Petrol stations. Bugger! Oh well I have enough fuel to get me back to Whangarei so back I go and fuel up. Riding back past Hikurangi, just past where I doubled back what do I find? Yep a bloody petrol station. Such is life…..
That aside the ride north was just magic. There was very little traffic about and the weather was awesome. There are some damn fine riding roads north of Whangarei. So after another fuel stop (and more welcome relief) I arrived a Taipa and quickly found the Eastern Rugby Football grounds for the event.
$5 entry or $10 if you wanted to enter your vehicle into the show. The swapmeet section was quite small and predominantly non-automotive. I didnt find that elusive spare frame for the 1930 Harley or spot the Royal Enfield Model G head with added ‘aftermarket’ watercooling ( I havent seen that one for quite some years, McSnotty and I used to follow it around swapmeets like lost puppies) but I did purchase a secondhand maintenance manual for my oldish Ford Falcon for the princely sum of $2.
The show itself was well laid out in categories and anyone could enter thier car or bike. It was well subscribed with vehicles from dating from Vintage though to Modern. There was a section for Hot-rods and (written in very small letters) vehicles of interest hence the purple Morris 1100 with probably the most expensive upholstery ever to grace such a car. It was really good to see such an eclectic range of vehicles on show and well done to the Far North section of the VCC for putting on the show.
As part of the entry there was a peoples choice award. Here’s the vehicle I voted for, its just unfortunate I never had the chance to catch up with its owner to get a little history.

And from the other side

What an awesome bike.
The only other pre 45 bike on show was an Indian 1941 741b

Overall I had a great day. The food stalls were doing a good turnover (and at half the prices you pay at Auckland events) there was a Country and Western music club belting out both types of music. Again thanks to the Far North section of the VCC for putting on the event, I’m looking forward to the next one.